How can we improve?


Image: Place Saint-Paul, Liège, Belgique, by Romaine, licensed under CC BY-SA 4.0

Skot was started in 2011, developed by Hello Kot as part of a network of student accommodation sites covering Liège, Namur and Brussels. The project proved to be a success, with thousands of visitors every month coming to us to search for kots, house shares and apartments.

Our philosophy from the beginning has been to provide a simple and reliable service for property owners and those seeking accommodation alike, with no distractions and clear pricing.

Since then we have consistently expanded through word of mouth, now covering cities across Belgium and attracting 500,000 visitors a year and handling tens of thousands of messages between landlords and potential tenants.

How to contact us {: #contact }

You can find all our contact details on our contact page, or send an email with your comments and suggestions.

Our company details are:

Hello Kot SCRL
143 Rue de Campine
4000 Liège

Registered company number: 0842026613
VAT number: BE0842026613
Telephone: +3243789353

Please note: we cannot offer support by telephone

Terms and Conditions {: #legal }